Md.Alamgir Chowdhury,CBN

60 percent of the children among the 650thousands Rohingya who fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh.These children are traumatized by the brutality of Myanmar Army.UNICEF, a UN child organization, is working with the government of Bangladesh to Provide effective trauma-focused treatment.Hundreds of children friendly centers have been built in Rohingya camp. Children can enjoy their time at the child-friendly centers with pleasure. In Bangladesh, UNICEF is scaling up its response to provide refugee children with protection, nutrition, health, water and sanitation support too.

Rohingya children have seen inhumanity, barbarism and atrocities of Myanmar army including mass killing, torching houses. Most of them have lost their parents. They are traumatized severely.In order to restore normalcy among the mentally disrupted children, hundreds of mobile and permanent child-friendly centers have been set up in Rohingya camps in Ukhia and Teknaf. These child-friendly centers are now the safe heaven for the Rohingya children. They are drawing flowers of different colors and playing together with pleasure.

Faria selim, communication specialist of UNICEF told that Child-friendly centers are playing a significant role for recovery of normalcy among the helpless children.they are playing, laughing and singing together by forgetting the memory of misery and persecution in Rakhaine state.This is also an opportunity to ventilate their streeses or nightmare.

Acting social welfare officer cox’sbazar said”Bangladesh is a signatory country of International Child Rights Charter. Bangladesh government is working to protect the wellbeing of children by promoting the rights of language and culture for all children, including Rohingya children.Every child of any age can reach there at any time from 9am to 4pm everyday. They can enjoy the whole day.